Counting Your Blessings

I have a writing goal to accomplish. The list of articles to write is staring right back at me but I don’t want to write or publish any of the topics I have previously curated. I am penning these thoughts from my neighbour’s workstation, looking through the window at my little home while streaming Onos’ Counting My Blessing (African Remix), enjoying it, yet smiling gently at the depth of the track and the dilemma of writing I am caught in. 

Phew! Anyway, I pause for a water break from my 3.3-litre water bottle as one of my goals for the year is to be mindful of my health, I am getting older you know?  In the middle of this dilemma, the song filters back to me and then I decide that this article will be for me to count my blessings.

Remember the article on five lessons from 2024 which should be applied going forward? The very first lesson is to have an attitude of maintaining gratitude. It may feel like it’s just shortly over two weeks into the year, what am I supposed to start being grateful for?

Breathe… gratitude is better practised daily, in short moments, taking a breather when the overwhelming feeling kicks in, and picking that one thing to be grateful for. In this moment of dilemma, yanking at my creative juice dispenser and not wanting to write on leadership, building, or systems, I have decided to count my blessings, I am using this moment to highlight the blessings in the last two weeks since 2025 began and here they are: 

  • I am grateful to be alive and present in this moment.
  • I am grateful for the gift of my good neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Bikawei, who always welcome me into their space.
  • I am grateful for the ability to write again
  • I am grateful for solid relationships that aid my journey in life
  • I am grateful to be led by solid spiritual and wisdom teachers
  • I am particularly grateful for my career and the journey of the last 3 years in my current organization

Do you want to take a breather and do the same in this moment as you read? Jump right into the comment section and let’s do this, I’d love to read from you!

P.S: I wouldn’t leave you without the good music mentioned in the first paragraph

12 thoughts on “Counting Your Blessings”

  1. Imaobong Oladapo

    I am grateful for my health (mentally, physically, emotionally and financially)
    I am grateful for my family
    I am grateful for my ministry even though I feel that I’m not qualified
    I am grateful for the Holy Spirit in me
    I am grateful for my job

  2. I’m grateful for the new perspectives I have this year. I’m grateful for the solid relationships I have in my corner.
    I’m super grateful for my local assembly where I learn God’s word with all clarity.

      1. And I’m grateful for the gift of you.😇

        Yeah solid relationships is on the list but I’m deeply grateful for the gift of my biological nuclear family, my groomings and my background… It has summed up into who I am today and is pivotal into who I’m becoming everyday.

        I’m grateful to God for charting the course of my life.

        I’m grateful for salvation and the irreplaceable gift of the Holy Spirit. Guiding me and helping my decisions and actions.

        Thank you for writing intentionally again Tolulopeinspire.😇

        Do have a beautiful decade ahead.

  3. I am grateful for the gift of support system.
    I am grateful for the beauty of hope even in the midst of raging tempest.
    I am grateful for life.

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