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Big Dreams? Eagle Focus!

Hello dear reader, what if I tell you Asake and Ayra Starr wrote this article with me? Before you roll your eyes and say Isssalie! Kingdom Sister! Calm down and read fess. Let’s go!

However, let’s link this to why my opening line was Asake and Ayra Starr. The last two years of my life have been a journey of becoming with increasing demand of focus. As your fellow encourager in life’s processes, you may have read some of my stories on my becoming as I walk life’s journey with you through my writings. There are stages in becoming and for each stage, the focus and intentionality required are different

After that short conversation with God previously highlighted, I started to think to myself, “Yes to big dreams, but big dreams also require bigger focus and no one prepared me for this.” It takes a level of focus to fulfil certain dreams, crazy focus even when you look like the fool, wrong one or odd one, which means you have to possess some level of conviction about where you are going and what you are trying to build out of your life when you practice this level of focus and this is the highlight of  Ayra Starr’s Commas and Asake’s Lonely at the Top tracks. (Their names both start with A, interesting) . 

See some of their lyrics below which I agree with as I have been on this road for some time now:

Energy wrong, I log off . Mo wa friendly and conscious
I’m allergic to sokuso. I’m not ready for confusion
Dem telly me, make I show love. Stability on gbona
Na which kind life wey I never see? I carry God, so I fear nothing
Steady increasing the commas; Comma, comma, comma
Ayrra Starr’s Commas

It’s lonely at the top (lonely, lonely, lonely). Money on my mind (money, money, money)
Don’t care what they’re yarning about me in particular (kò kán mí, kán mi, kán mí)
Out here on the road chasing my dream because I know (no one can chase it for me)
No dey hear wetin people dey talk (people dey talk)
Wọn tí ge Aṣakẹ l’eti lọ (l’eti lọ) (They have cut Asake’s ears off)
They say, “Life na one, no get another one” ; I go take am do wetin I love
Asake’s Lonely at the Top

The summary of my musings and the lyrics of these artists are found in what I call Eagle-Focus. Citing these two articles from Bird Questions and Animal Researcher shows us that Eagles do not only have clarity in sight for their selected prey (big dreams) they are also able to zoom and focus till they pick the prey as the hunter that they are, watch the videos below and catch a glimpse of eagles who have to fly in the sky at heights we humans do not have to contend with daily to catch their preys (big dreams):

Captured by Mark Smith Photography
Captured by Mark Smith Photography

Maybe this article wasn’t meant to answer this question, maybe you’d have an answer for me dear reader, but more importantly, maybe it is to share my musings with you, my kind.  If you have an answer for me, I’d be happy to hear from you

Love and Light!

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